IT & Software Developer jobs in Romania

Softlead jobs

Business Development Specialist

7.000 - 11.500 RON โ–
Dr. Victor Poloni, 28, Bucuresti
7.000 - 11.500 RON โ–
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Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities - Deep understanding of Online Marketing and Digital strategy mechanism and concepts - Previous experience in using a CRM tool - Project management skills - C-level Selling Skills - Analytical Skills - Story-Telling Abilities - Strong negotiation and strategic sourcing skills - Ability to work with web-based tools - Happy to share and contribute to the business and departments' OKRs - Problem-solver skills.
Nice to have:
ยท University Degree ยท 3-5 years of experience in the software/IT industry would be a plus ยท Sales courses or specialized events would be a plus



Your mission: to actively participate in supporting Softlead IT partner companies. You will interact with managers, and marketing or sales specialists from partner IT companies, to whom you will present the advantages of listing on Softlead, purchasing a subscription to Premium services, or activating the possibility of generating leads. You will be part of the story of a dynamic and creative start-up. - Create connections with targeted customers - Pipeline management (new customers) - Support the entire sales process - Identify needs - Identify opportunities for new customers - Report on customer trends - Offer industry insights - Participate in the sales strategy


About Softlead Launched as a B2B enterprise software marketplace, Softlead managed to help more than 15.000 companies to choose and implement the right software solution for their business. When we understood that every company is unique, we transformed Softlead from a useful marketplace into an innovative, easy, and intuitive tool that identifies your Digital DNA to help you make the best digital transformation decisions. Softlead Digital DNA is a tool that helps companies to identify the best software solutions, based on the specificity of their business (industry, organizational processes, activities, number of employees, growth perspectives). It is a tool that will revolutionize the acquisition of software and that will turn it into a collaborative, intuitive, and extremely friendly process for any type of stakeholder, of any kind of company.


job benefits icon40-hour work week
job benefits iconPrivate healthcare insurance
job benefits iconWell connected office
job benefits iconHome office / Remote 2 days per week
job benefits iconCoffee, tea
job benefits iconStartup culture
job benefits iconCareer paths and annual reviews
job benefits iconAnnual company retreat
job benefits iconCompany parking
job benefits iconPizza Day
job benefits iconCompany workshops and knowledge sharing
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You can find Business Specialist salaries in Romania here.

How many Business Specialist jobs are in Romania?

Currently, there are 153 Business openings. Check also: Project-Manager jobs, Product-Manager jobs, CRM jobs - all with salary brackets.

Is Romania a good place for Business Specialists?

Romania is one of the best countries to work as a Business Specialist. It has a vibrant startup community, growing tech hubs and, most important: lots of interesting jobs for people who work in tech.

Which companies are hiring for Business Specialist jobs in Romania?

Salestools, Zeek Solutions AS, HUDstats, Apriorit LLC, CODEMELT, PixelData, GREENSOFT SRL among others, are currently hiring for Business roles in Romania.

The company with most openings is IESF as they are hiring for 13 different Business Specialist jobs in Romania. They are probably quite committed to find good Business Specialists.